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Θέλετε να έχετε υπέροχο και όμορφο δέρμα;
Effective Micellar Cleansing Water with Sage & Witch Hazel for very deep cleansing
The KalloW cosmetic range contains powerful, multi-active natural ingredients to nourish, protect, restore and heal
With precious oils, such as Coconut, Sunflower, Carrot and enriched with Vitamin E, it nourishes while at the same time protecting against dehydration and enhancing the duration of the tan.
Lancio di cosmetici di alta qualità Kallow DXN / Lancio di cosmetici di alta qualità Kallow DXN in Europa
Kallow DXN υψηλής ποιότητας καλλυντικά που λανσάρονται στην Ευρώπη
Gentle foaming facial cleanser containing Aloe Vera and Chamomile, ingredients well known for their beneficial properties since ancient times.
για άμεση σύσφιξη, ενυδάτωση και στοχευμένη αφαίρεση ρυτίδων.
Με σκόνη μαργαριταριών και φυσικούς βιοσακχαρίτες.
with Aloe, Yogurt and Cucumber extract, antioxidant ingredients and Vitamin E that immediately nurture and repair the skin.