
Nagy Katalin DXN Code: 819227190

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Reishi Gano (RG) is made from Ganoderma lucidum.
- From organically certified cultivation.
- Harvested 90-day-old red mushrooms.
- Available in capsule or powder form.


Dr. Lim, Founder, Father and Creator of DXN, replied:
Many of you ask me:
How will Ganoderma treat certain diseases?
"You're not treating the disease, you're treating your body!" 
All diseases occur because your body is not in a balanced state.
Ganoderma helps to deal with this health problem.
We never look at disease. We always treat the Body.


Consume and introduce Ganoderma ( Ganoderma coffee as well, consume only this coffee! Forget normal coffee! It only gives your body the disease! ) and Spirulina into your daily life and enjoy a healthy life.
Important components of Ganoderma are:
 Ganoderma contains more than 400 bioactive elements, including trace elements, vitamins, organic germanium, adenosine, triterpenes, terpenoids, polysaccharides, and valuable minerals.



Adaptogenic effect:
– A uniform property of adaptogenic plants is that they act on all cells. 
 The culture of the Far East uses a number of herbs that have a beneficial effect on both overactive and underactive organs, balancing and harmonising their functioning and energetic level. These are called adaptogenic plants.
 Adaptogens too, like most herbs
 – act relatively slowly and gently


What Does RG and GL do?

othey are the IMMUNE BOOSTER of our Body

Help your liver work to get rid of toxins!
Long-term consumption of Ganoderma mushroom can help detoxify the liver, as it supports the enzyme activity of the liver and helps metabolic processes. Through its anti-inflammatory effect, the fungus can reduce the risk of hepatitis and promote liver cell regeneration. In addition, the Ganoderma mushroom has antioxidant properties that help neutralize free radicals and protect liver cells.

Ganoderma coffee is a friend of diabetics
Our ganotiotherapist also confirmed that DXN coffees can be safely consumed by diabetics due to their low sugar content, especially since lingzhi extract also regulates blood sugar levels. If someone's blood sugar falls, I guess chocolate is in their pocket for such an emergency. I've seen this with acquaintances. There is also sugar in chocolate, much more than in coffee. Of course, there are also sugar-free coffees in DXN's product range.

Reishi Gano (RG) is the 100% extract of a 90-day old red mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum.
Containing polysaccharides adenosine,
triterpenoids,protein, and fiber, it effectively assists the body in its cleansing process for improving organ system functions.
Ganoderma (GL) is the 100% extract of an 18-day old mycelium of Ganoderma lucidum. Themycelium is rich in polysaccharides, organic
germanium, vitamins, and minerals. It hasexcellent effect in improving general well being.
It helps attain organ system equilibrium andpromotes the body's healing capabilities.


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Nagy Katalin DXN Code: 819227190 - MagyarNagy Katalin DXN Code: 819227190 - AngolNagy Katalin DXN Code: 819227190 - Lengyel